Catalogue Manager: Building a Sample Itinerary Catalogue

Digital Catalogues are extremely powerful marketing tools, enabling you to distribute multiple Sample Itineraries and iBrochures to Operators and Agents. 

This functionality is only available on Enterprise packages

In this article

Getting Started
Building a Catalogue with Chapters
Building a Rack
Rebranding a Catalogue or Rack

Getting Started

From your Dashboard, select 'Catalogue Manager' to start building your Catalogues.

Building a Catalogue with Chapters

Select 'Add +' and the Catalogue Builder will open a new Untitled Catalogue, allowing you to add your Itineraries into Chapters.

Note: If you have existing Catalogues, they will all be listed at the top and the Catalogue Builder will open on the first Catalogue in the list of Catalogues. 

Step 1: Naming your Catalogue

Depending on what type of Itineraries and Chapters you would like inside your Catalogue, you would name it according to that. You will notice that when you navigate away from naming the Catalogue, that it will automatically change the name in the list of Catalogues. This does NOT mean that the Catalogue is saved. Next, choose the language of the Catalogue and 'Save'. When you have saved, the button will turn green and the link to your Catalogue will be generated. 

Step 2: Creating a Chapter

Click on 'Add Chapter' to begin building the first Chapter in your Catalogue. Give the Chapter a name and choose between a type that will make up the Chapter - iBrochures or Sample Itineraries. You can only have one type per Chapter - ie you cannot build one Chapter including iBrochures and Sample Itineraries. 

Step 3: Populating a Chapter

Select 'Add Item' to begin adding your Sample Itineraries to your Chapter. You will have to filter your Itineraries either by Name, Type, Category or Reference in order to search for the correct one as Published Day Tours can also be added to your Catalogues. If searching by name, you will have to type in the name of the Itinerary in order to allow you to add it. In this case, we have used Name and filtered by typing 'Safari'.  Then tick the boxes for the Sample Itineraries you wish to add to the Chapter of the Catalogue and click on 'Add Selected Items' at the bottom of the page.

Note: The Itineraries that you have selected will remain selected even if you change your search filter to look for other itineraries to add. The number of Itineraries selected will be displayed in the brackets on the 'Add Selected Items' button. 

Click on 'Add Selected Items' when you are ready to add the Itineraries you have selected to your Chapter.

Once you have added the Itineraries to your Chapter, they will be listed under the Chapter heading. You can rearrange the order of the itineraries in the Chapter by using drag and drop. You can also rearrange your Chapters, using the arrow. 

Note: If you have made any changes to the Catalogue you will need to Save again in order for it to reflect when you view it.  

Repeat Step 2 and 3 to add additional Chapters to this Catalogue. 

You can view your Catalogue by clicking on the 'View' button at the top of the Catalogue. The link to the Catalogue will only reflect what was last saved. To change the image that appears on your Catalogue, click on the little image icon next to your Itinerary. 

A pop-up will appear and it will show the current cover image. You can then select from a list of available images on the system or upload your own from your computer. 

Building a Rack

The purpose of the Rack Builder is to group two or more Catalogues together to produce one hyperlink. To navigate to the Rack Builder, click on the drop-down menu in the top left corner and select 'Rack'. 

As with the Catalogue, the Rack Builder will open a new Untitled Rack unless you have existing Racks, in which case the Rack Builder will open on the first Rack in the list of Racks. To start building a new Rack, click on  'Add new catalogue +'.

Step 1: Naming and Language

Give this Rack a name. You will notice that when you navigate away from naming the Rack, that it will automatically change the name in the list of Racks. This does not mean that the Rack is saved. Next, choose the language of the Rack and save. When you have saved, the button will turn green and the link to your Catalogue will be generated. 

Step 2: Populating your Rack

Click on 'Add new catalogue +' to begin choosing which catalogues you would like to include in your Rack. A list of all your Catalogues will be available on a pop-up. Tick the boxes for the Catalogue/s you wish to add to your Rack and click on  'Add selected catalogues'.

Step 3: Customization

All the Catalogues you selected will appear in the Rack. You can rearrange the order they appear in, by clicking on the Catalogue you would like to move and dragging it to where you would like it to be. 

The cover image of each Catalogue can be changed. To do this, click on the icon in the left corner of the specific Catalogue. The pop-up window will display a list of options for you to choose from that are a collection of images from within the Catalogue. 

Only a small selection of images are shown, but you can view more by clicking on 'Toggle more images' .

Note: The numbers shown in brackets next to each category does not represent the number of images available, but the number of sub-categories available. 

Select an image by clicking on it (a blue rim will appear to indicate it is selected) and click on 'Save Changes'. Alternatively, if you do not want to use any of the images available, you can click on the upload tab and upload your own image. 

You will see that the Catalogue's cover image has been updated. Don't forget to save to have the changes reflect. 

You can view the Rack you simply just built by clicking on 'View'. 

On the top right of the Digital Catalogue, you can toggle between Grid View (images) and List View. 

The link for you Digital Catalogue is the Rack link. This is the link you will use to distribute your Digital Catalogue. 

Rebranding a Catalogue or Rack

If you would like to send your Digital Catalogue or Rack with a different branding on it, you can use the drop-down menu on the right-hand side and select from one of your Identities.

The branding will change throughout the entire Digital Catalogue (all the way through to the Itineraries that are included in the Chapters). Use the new link to distribute your rebranded Digital Catalogue.

Note: Your list of Identities will not be visible to your clients once they are distributed out of your account.
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