Catalogue Manager: How do I add a Catalogue to Facebook?

This article explains how to add both Sample Itinerary and iBrochure Catalogues directly to your Facebook page. Any updates to your Catalogues will filter through to Facebook automatically and this will ensure that all your page visitors have up-to-date information and images at the click of a button.

This functionality is available on the Digital Enterprise, Virtual Enterprise, Day Tour Package, as well as Enhanced Supplier Listings

Note: Unfortunately, Facebook has implemented some changes where the Page Tabs feature is only available to Facebook pages with 2000 or more Followers and Likes, or pages managed by whitelisted apps. 
Note: This document has been updated to reflect the change that has been made to Facebook in June 2020

In this article

Getting Started
Adding a Digital Catalogue to Facebook
Customising the Name of the Tab
Edit Wetu App Settings
Removing the Facebook App

Getting Started

First things first, make sure you are an Admin of the Facebook page which you wish to add your Wetu Catalogue/s to. Log into your Facebook page, and in a separate tab, log into your Wetu account as you must be logged into both at the same time.  

Adding a Digital Catalogue to Facebook

From your Dashboard, select 'Catalogue Manager'.

Select the Catalogue that you would like to add to your Facebook page by clicking on it then on the far right of the page, click 'Add to Facebook'. 

From the drop-down menu, choose which of your Facebook pages you would like to link your Catalogue to then click 'Add Page Tab'.

Note: If you click on 'Cancel', you will return to your Wetu Catalogue Builder.

Once you click 'Add Page Tab', you will successfully add your Catalogue to your selected Page. When you open your Facebook Page, you will see a tab called 'Wetu Catalogue' on the left-hand side of your page and if you click on it you will then be able to select a Catalogue from your available Catalogues you would like to have displayed from the drop-down menu. 

Once you have selected the Catalogue you want to display on your Facebook page, click on 'Update' to save the chosen Catalogue. You will then need to click on 'click here' to refresh your page and have your Catalogue displayed as indicated below.

Note: Should you not see your Catalogue but a white screen with an error message saying that the page needs to be configured, please contact for assistance.

Customising the Name of the Tab

You are able to customise the name of the tab by going to the Settings menu on your Facebook page.

Once your Settings menu opens, click on 'Templates and Tabs' and scroll down to the tab named 'Wetu Catalogue'. 

Click on 'Settings' next to the name of the 'Wetu Catalogue', and more options will expand open. In that expanded menu, click on the 'Edit Settings' option and a new menu will pop up which allows you to enter and save the preferred name of the tab.

Edit Wetu App Settings

Should you want to switch your Catalogue for a different one, while on the 'Wetu Catalogue' tab scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Edit Wetu App Settings'. You will be able to select the catalogue you would like displayed.

Note: If you have less than 2000 followers on your Facebook page and previously added the Wetu Facebook App, you will not be able to switch it for another Catalogue because of the changes Facebook has implemented. We advise that if you have fewer followers, remove your Catalogue only if it's outdated and is not what you're selling any longer. 

Note: Should you click on 'Edit Wetu App Settings' and not see any options for you to choose from, send details of what you are trying to achieve to and we will assist you further.

Removing the Facebook App

If you have installed the Facebook app and would like to remove it, click 'Settings' on your Facebook page. 

Once your Settings menu opens, click on the 'Templates and Tabs' option and scroll down to the tab named 'Wetu Catalogue' (Or the Custom name you selected). 

Then click on 'Settings' next to the name of the tab, and the below block will open. In that expanded menu, simply slide the option to show the tab from ON to OFF and save.

The page will then refresh and the Wetu App and Catalogue will no longer appear on your Facebook page.

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