Search results for component

33 articles found

  • Components: What is a Component

    When creating itineraries for clients, there will always be certain activities or sections that are the same for each and every client. For this reason, we created Components, allowing you to

  • Components: How to Build a Day Component

    Day Components are a great way to pre-build sections of travel that can be added to itineraries when needed. This saves time for consultants and allows you to quickly get quotes out to clients. This

  • Planner: How to Add a Day Component

    Components can be built in your account and inserted into itineraries to make the process of sending a quote, quick and efficient. A Day Component contains activities, destination information, daily

  • Accommodation: How do I Add a Multi-Day Component

    Components are a great way to pre-build pieces of travel that can be added to Itineraries when needed. Once you have built your Multi-Day Component you can go on and add it to your Itinerary when

  • Components: How to Build a Multiple Day Component

    Components are a great way to pre-build sections of travel that can be added to itineraries when needed. This saves time for consultants and allows you to quickly get quotes out to clients.

  • Itinerary Browser: How to Post an Itinerary or Component

    Posting enables you to send an Itinerary or Component to External Companies which also have a Wetu account. If your Tour Operator or Agent is also using Wetu, they can easily post you their section

  • Browser: How do I search for a Tour or Component

    Once all of your Components or Tours have been created and saved, they are stored inside the Itinerary Browser. The search and filter functions allow you to easily find them when you need them. This

  • Saving time with Components

    This #WetuWebinar shows you how to create single & multi-day components in your Itinerary Builder. You will learn how repurposing your popular tour components will save time building new itineraries.

  • Trabajando con los Components

    En este #WetuTutorial podés aprender a optimizar la creación de tus itinerários con una herramienta muy simple, los Componentes! Esta funcionalidad está disponible en todos los paquetes Music

  • Trabalhando com os Components

    Neste #WetuTutorial você pode aprender a otimizar a criação de seus roteiros com uma ferramenta muito simples, os Componentes! Esta funcionalidade está disponível para todos os Planos Music courtesy

  • Adding Components to your itineraries

    What to do about those popular segments that sell so well, packaged supplier deals or tricky routes that take time to create? You can pre-build them as components to pop into itineraries any time you

  • Itinerary Browser: How to Transfer Itineraries and Components

    Transferring allows you to move Itineraries, Day Tours or Components between consultants within one Wetu Account. This option allows the Itinerary that was made by one consultant in a team to be

  • Browser: How to lock and unlock Itineraries, Components and Day Tours

    You can lock existing Personal and Sample Itineraries, as well as Components and Day Tours in the Itinerary Builder. The Lock function enable you to prevent others from editing an itinerary. This

  • Browser: How Do I Copy an Itinerary

    The copy functions make it possible to quickly replicate an Itinerary, or convert an existing Personal Itinerary into a Sample Itinerary or a Component. The Copy function is available all on Packages

  • Integrations: Mapping

    When linking two systems, the mapping is vitally important. This links one part of your booking system to a part in Wetu. If the mapping is done correctly, you will get an accurate itinerary every

  • Browser: How to Disable and Enable Itineraries

    In this article, we will guide you on how to prevent travelers from getting access to your itineraries without having to permanently delete your itineraries. This functionality is available on all

  • Planner: Changing the Last Day of Itinerary Header

    In some situations the default Header End of Itinerary is not a suitable title for the last day of the Itinerary or Component you are creating. This may be the case if you have activities booked for

  • Accommodation: How do I add Accommodation on a Train

    Accommodation on a train can be added to either a Sample or a Personal Itinerary. Like other types of accommodation, it is added in the Accommodation Step of the Itinerary Builder. This functionality

  • Route Builder: Train Routes

    Train Routing, for both Train Travel and Train Accommodation, is set up in the Route Builder Step of the Itinerary Builder. Where a route has not been pre-loaded, you can create a custom route based

  • Route Builder: How do I Load Boats Routes

    Cruises, Ferries and even short day activities can all be loaded in Wetu. Boats don't always stick to the same route, so it is hard to have them all preloaded. In this document, you will be taken

  • Browser: How do I use Tags and Labels

    Tags and Labels can be assigned to an Itinerary, Component or Day Tour to categorize their content and make them searchable. Tags and Labels can be anything from the type of tour (e.g. Family, Self

  • Connect API (Incoming)

    Connect is a generic framework from Wetu for integrating Tour Operator Software (TOS) systems. Specifically; it simplifies many of the common problems with converting bookings or quotes from a TOS

  • Itinerary API (V7)

    Overview The Wetu Itinerary API allows you to integrate Wetu Itineraries into your software or website. The API supports both loading existing itineraries as well as creating or updating Itineraries

  • Itinerary API (V8)

    Overview The Wetu Itinerary API allows you to integrate Wetu Itineraries into your software or website. The API supports both loading existing itineraries as well as creating or updating Itineraries

  • Publishable Tours: How to Build a Multiple Day Tour

    The Day Tour Builder is one of the main features of Wetu, allowing you to create content-rich and interactive tours within Wetu. The Day Tour Builder is where you will create, edit and manage your

  • Accommodation: How do I add a Multi-Day Tour

    Some of our clients build Day Tours for the sole purpose of publishing them, making them available for other clients to add into their itineraries, saving time and ensuring that clients have accurate

  • Business Intelligence for beginners

    This course demonstrates the logic of effectively organising your itineraries, components, day tours, & preferred supplier products internally. You’ll learn how to be more productive by using the

  • Planner: How do I add Free Text for an Activity

    Sometimes you may want to suggest an activity off the beaten 'tourist track. If it's not loaded in Wetu and you are in a rush, you are able to add Free Text Activities, using any name that you would

  • Browser: How do I search for an Itinerary

    Once your itineraries have been created, they can be found in the Itinerary Browser. The search and filter functions allow you to easily find the itinerary you are looking for, like “that one amazing

  • Options: How to Manage Languages in Wetu

    In the Admin Panel, you can select the languages that you and your team would like to be able to use when building Itineraries. This functionality is available for all Operator Packages. Note: Only

  • Itinerary Browser: How do I use the Itinerary History

    In this article, we will show you how to use the Itinerary History function so that you are able to track the various changes that have been made and restore previous versions of your itineraries.

  • Accommodation: How do I add overnight travel

    Adding overnight travel is a feature designed for use when clients are taking overnight flights or transport where there is no accommodation provided. This feature enables you to add routing and

  • Itinerary Builder: How to build a basic Itinerary in Wetu

    The Itinerary Builder is one of the main features of Wetu. It allows you to create content-rich, interactive itineraries. The Itinerary Builder is where you will create, edit and manage your