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111 articles found

  • Themes: Creating Themes

    The Theme functionality is an essential tool in customising your Itinerary output and making them your own style and design. Here we will teach you how to customise the layout of your Digital

  • Integrate your Tourplan with Wetu

    This #WetuWebinar explores the process of a Tourplan-Wetu Integration. You will learn how to sync your Tourplan bookings effortlessly, master the integration process, & create beautiful content-rich

  • How to use TravelKey as a Traveller

    Wetu's App, TravelKey, makes it possible for you to access your Wetu Digital itinerary and any travel documentation linked to it, from your mobile device. TravelKey is ideal for while travelling, as

  • Connect API (Incoming)

    Connect is a generic framework from Wetu for integrating Tour Operator Software (TOS) systems. Specifically; it simplifies many of the common problems with converting bookings or quotes from a TOS

  • Personalising your iBrochure Call To Action

    This #WetuWebinar empowers you to boost website traffic & redirect customers to your contacts & bookings pages directly from your iBrochure, with a personalised Book Now or Enquire button. This

  • How to personalise your iBrochure 'Book Now' button

    Direct traffic to your booking page increases your chances of turning enquiries into direct bookings. You can redirect customers using the Book Now button on your iBrochure. Watch this & learn how:

  • How to: build routes in the Wetu Itinerary Builder

    Learn how to build routes in your Wetu Itinerary Builder. Find out how to use this functionality to serve self-drive clients, and customise the different types of transport modes you use to plan an

  • How to: use RVs, Motorhomes and Campers

    How to create an itinerary when the accommodation includes an RV, motorhome or camper. Wetu’s Itinerary Builder uses accommodation as a key element to create an itinerary, so when your customers want

  • Integrations: Mapping

    When linking two systems, the mapping is vitally important. This links one part of your booking system to a part in Wetu. If the mapping is done correctly, you will get an accurate itinerary every

  • Itinerary Builder: How to build a basic Itinerary in Wetu

    The Itinerary Builder is one of the main features of Wetu. It allows you to create content-rich, interactive itineraries. The Itinerary Builder is where you will create, edit and manage your

  • Catalogue Manager: Building a Sample Itinerary Catalogue

    Digital Catalogues are extremely powerful marketing tools, enabling you to distribute multiple Sample Itineraries and iBrochures to Operators and Agents. This functionality is only available on