Suppliers: Assigning Tags

This article will help you to understand how to assign your supplier's with your classifications.

This functionality is available for all Operator Packages

In this article

Getting Started
Assigning Classifications
Using Classifications

Getting Started

Before being able to use any of the Business Intelligence functions, you need to set up your internal classifications (if you haven't done this already,  please see how here). 

Once you have set up you classifications, open your Admin Function and open the Supplier Tab. All of the Suppliers on your list will have the 'tags' option. 

Note: If your suppliers do not have the 'Tags' option, please contact to activate this for you.

Assigning Classifications

In the new pop up window that appears, you will be able to assign the various classifications and notes to that specific supplier.

select the rating from your options to clarify how you (internally) rate this property

Preferred Supplier
if this is ticked, the Supplier will be given a badge and preferentially treated in searches within Wetu

select from your options to add a flag of a critical or urgent note

select from your options to tag with a note that clarifies how you use/sell it

select from your options to tag with a note that describes unique characteristics of that Supplier

any general notes or comments (such as a fam trip or site inspection feedback) can be saved here

enter the commission % here

You can move through your supplier list easily, by clicking on the Prev or Next button at the top of this page. 

Note: You need to save each supplier or the classification selections will be lost.

Using the Classifications

Once you have done this with your various suppliers, inside the Itinerary Builder, selected details will be noted and appear to help with easy itinerary creation.

The Tags can also be viewed in the Consultant Portal.

Note: Tags can take up to 15 minutes to show in the Consultant portal and the Itinerary Builder.
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