Themes: Advanced Template Style Settings

The Theme functionality is an essential tool in customising your Itinerary output and making them your own style and design.This section takes the Template Styles to a whole new level, allowing you to change certain individual features. 

We recommend that you only edit this section if you are comfortable with your Template Settings and Basic Template Styles. Making too many edits in this section can quickly take an itinerary from stylish to tacky, so please be careful. 

This functionality is only available on the Digital Enterprise and Day Tour Packages.

In this article

Choosing colours
Landing page
Font Colours
Border Colours
Navigation Bar
Itinerary Background
Itinerary Footer
Additional Tweaks
Custom CSS

Choosing Colours

Choosing colours for your itinerary can be quite a daunting process, particularly if you do not know all of the tricks involved. Take a look at  this document to help you along the process. 

Landing Page

The landing page is the first thing that your clients will see when they open up an itinerary. Changing the small details adds your personal touch from the first experience. 

Landing Page Overlay Colour
This option allows you to choose any colour for the overlay on the landing page, highlighting the text for your client's

To start, click on the plus sign:

Choose your colours per the above section and select okay.

You will now see the preview of the overlay on the home screen. The plus sign will also show the colour you have selected.

Note: Once you have customised your colour, a reset button will appear. This will return the colour to the last saved colour. You are not able to return to the colour you previously set if you did not press save

Font Colours

We have 3 “font types” in the itineraries. In this section, we are able to edit the colour of each type, without going along the lines of the default styles loaded.

Primary Heading Font Colours
This changes all of the main headings within the itinerary. To select the colour, click on the plus sign and change your colour according to this guide. In this case, all of the headings with a blue font.

Secondary Heading Font Colour
This changes the smaller headings on the itinerary. In this example, all of the headings with green text.

The uppercase tick box allows you to change between sentence case and all uppercase for this heading.

Note: Sentence case (or Proper Case) - any text that is written with each of the first letter of every word being capitalised while the rest in lowercase like in a sentence.

Hyperlink Colours
The hyperlinks are the words that redirect you to other information. For example, clicking on the accommodation name on the overview page will take you to the accommodation page.

The underline tick box allows you to choose if you would like these words underlined or not.

Note: Make sure that your text can be easily viewed by your client's by using a colour with a high contrast to the background colour.

Border Colours

By default, Wetu has a light grey border around the blocks containing information. These borders change according to the suggested style options as well. The settings in this section allow you to change the colours of the borderers, without the restraint of the defaults. Like the fonts, we have both primary and secondary borders.

Primary colours 
These are around the main blocks of information. In this case, you will see the blue borders are the primary borders.

Secondary borders
In this case, these are the pink borders.

Border density 
The number next to the plus sign is an indication of the density or thickness of the borderline. In this situation, we have number 3, which is the thickest density. Number 1 is the thinnest border, and 0 will remove the borders completely.

Note: The primary border density will only affect the tabs if changed to 0. Any other density will not change the weight.

The navigation bar is either the tabbed options or the simpler navigation bars above or below the banner image.

In this case, we have used green to highlight the changes. Once a colour is set, the reset button appears again.

Note: When you change the colours, the text colours change between black and white to ensure that they are visible against the background colour

Itinerary background

Background Colour
By default, Wetu will soften the colour of the background of the itinerary, according to the default style selected. In this section, you are able to choose a different colour, unrelated to the default style you have selected. In the example, The background colour has been changed to green.

Background Image
By selecting background image you are able to add your own image as the background to the itinerary.

To do this, select Background Image as an option and click on the upload button:

The suggested size and ratios for the image will appear, select Choose Image once you have found an image matching the criteria:

Your Computer will open up an option for you to select the image you would like loaded. Choose your Image and click open:

The Background image will load and when complete, the pop up will inform you that it has been successfully uploaded. Click done to close the pop-up:

You will now see a preview of the image next to the Option as well as a new option to change the image as well as delete the image. To change the image, you will follow the same steps as above.

You will be able to see the image is now displayed behind all of the information in the itinerary.

The footer is the bar at the very bottom of the itinerary. By default, this will change according to the Styles selected, however, in this section you will be able to select a colour as described at the top of this document. Once a colour is selected, you will have the option to reset it to the last saved colour.

Note: The text will change between black and white, depending on the colour selected 


The Call-to-Action is the button that says either enquire, book or register as described here. Here you can select any colour from the spectrum for the button. The text will swap between black and white depending on the colour chosen.

Additional Tweaks 

Apply styling to Landing Page
By unticking the checkbox your styling will be excluded from the landing page, displaying the Wetu default style.

Apply styling to Map Page
By unticking the checkbox your styling will be excluded from the Map page, displaying the Wetu default style.

Custom CSS

A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) allows you to make even further personalisations to your itinerary. You can enter these details yourself or contact your web developer who should be able to customise your theme for you; Wetu will not assist with any CSS.

NOTE: Although we provide an area for you to enter your own Custom CSS, it is at your "own risk" as Wetu will not guarantee that it is supported. 

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