Identities: Custom Domain

The Wetu custom DNS solution allows you to change the URL on your links. We also allow for you to provide Custom Domains for each of your Identities. The process is very similar, however, an Identity can only have one Custom Domain. 

The Custom DNS option is only available on the Enterprise Package

In this article

Setting up your Custom DNS

To change your Identities DNS, they will need to contact their domain host to set up a unique subdomain. 

The process is as follows:

Step 1: Create distinct domains
Your Identity can only load one Custom Domain for their itineraries, iBrochures and Catalogues. For this reason, we suggest they keep it general like

Step 2: Enable DNS
They can then enable this domain and add CNAME DNS record(s) pointing to This is key to their Custom Domain working correctly! 

Step 3: Update their Identity
Once they have sent you their Custom Domain, you can add it into the Custom Domain Field on their Identity Profile. 

Note:   The Custom DNS can take some time to reflect correctly on the Wetu side. Once you have let us know, it can take up to 72 hours to reflect correctly and be enabled on your outputs

Examples of Custom DNS

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